Simple. Elegant. Delicious. Great recipe for very special occasions. I serve with garlic mashed potatoes (or sometimes wild rice), green beans with cherry...
This is a really quick to prepare steak, with a little bit of kick. Though prep time is fast it is better enjoyed when marinated for at least 8 hours....
This is a really quick to prepare steak, with a little bit of kick. Though prep time is fast it is better enjoyed when marinated for at least 8 hours....
The basic recipe was handed down from a friend. I added the sliced onion and substituted the 3 cans of cream of mushroom soup with 1 can of cream of mushroom...
This recipe was given to me many years ago and is alleged to be the original recipe from a cafe in Boise, Idaho: the purported home of the finger steak....
This is a great marinade for rib, New York, sirloin, t-bone, and rib-eye steak. The lemon juice tenderizes and the garlic-oyster sauce adds the flavour....
This country fried steak recipe was originally my grandmother's, but I thought it was really bland so I added seasoning to it. Serve it with country gravy...
Mmmm...mmm... This is the recipe that my momma passed down to me. Born and raised in the South, and my momma was raised on a farm, so my family knows a...
This is a great marinade for rib, New York, sirloin, t-bone, and rib-eye steak. The lemon juice tenderizes and the garlic-oyster sauce adds the flavour....
This is a great marinade for rib, New York, sirloin, t-bone, and rib-eye steak. The lemon juice tenderizes and the garlic-oyster sauce adds the flavour....
The hanger steak is a thick strip of meat from the underside of the beef cow. It hangs between the rib and the loin and is part of the diaphragm. It is...
Mmmm...mmm... This is the recipe that my momma passed down to me. Born and raised in the South, and my momma was raised on a farm, so my family knows a...
The hanger steak is a thick strip of meat from the underside of the beef cow. It hangs between the rib and the loin and is part of the diaphragm. It is...